dial 2-1-1 or text or call 888-421-1266

Want to be added to our database?

Complete the following 2-1-1 Connects Alabama New Agency Application Form.
You may wish to download and read our 2-1-1 Connects Alabama Inclusion/Exclusion Policy.

2-1-1 Connects Alabama New Agency Application Form

    Organization Name (required)

    Address 1

    Address 2



    Zip Code

    Telephone (required)

    Organization Email (required)

    How do you prefer we contact you?

    What is your organization type?

    Enter a brief description of your organization or mission statement:

    Your Name: (required)

    Your Job Title:

    2-1-1 Connects Alabama Inclusion/Exclusion Policy

    Download (PDF, 53KB)


    dial 2-1-1 or text or call 888-421-1266